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Say Goodbye to Split Ends: 12 Tips For Smooth, Shiny Locks

woman with split ends

Split ends are caused when the oldest parts of the hair shaft, meaning the tips, weaken and begin to lose the layer that coats and protects them. This leads to those ends turning brittle, resulting in them fraying and splitting, just like a rope that has begun to unravel.

The bad news is that there’s nothing that you can do to repair those ends once they’ve split. The damage has been done and those split ends will eventually need to be cut off.

However, here’s the good news; there’s plenty that you can do to prevent the appearance of more split ends from forming, while also disguising the look of any split ends that you currently have until you’re able to book an appointment with your hairstylist. Scroll on as Nubi shares 12 top tips!

1. Be Gentle With Wet Hair

Since split ends occur when the weaker tips of your hair end up damaged, it goes without saying that one way to prevent split ends from forming is to be as gentle as possible with your hair to keep that damage at bay. This is particularly the case when your hair is wet. This is when it’s in its most fragile state and most vulnerable to damage.

To start with, be gentle when towel drying your hair. Avoid roughly scrubbing your hair with a rough towel as this will only cause your split ends to travel up your hair shaft while also leading to frizz. Instead, blot your hair dry with a microfiber towel. Microfiber has fantastic absorption properties that will speed up your drying time.

If you prefer to detangle while your is wet, then, again, do so gently. A wide-toothed comb is the best way to go as this will cause the least amount of damage. Start at the ends of your hair and work your way up, so that you don’t end up yanking on your roots each time you encounter a knot.

2. Keep Your Hair Moisturized

Nubi Conditioner

Dryness is something else that can lead to split ends. When your hair lacks moisture, it’s more likely to break. Although your scalp produces oil to keep your strands feeling strong and hydrated, it takes a while for these oils to travel down the hair shaft. This is why the ends of the hair are naturally drier than the roots.Β 

Fortunately, this is something that you can counter by making sure that you use a conditioner each time you shampoo your locks. Your shampoo will remove even more of your hair’s oils, making it vital to put some moisture back with a good conditioner.

With its infusion of olive oil and plant proteins, the Nourishing & Moisturizing Conditioner from Nubi is a great product for giving your thirsty locks the moisture that they need. Concentrate it on the ends of your hair when you’re applying it and you’ll help those weak tips to feel stronger and more resilient.

3. Cut Back on Heat Styling…

Certain heated styling tools can cause significant damage to the hair, especially when used on a daily basis. Excessive heat will dry out your strands while also altering the internal structure of your hair proteins. This weakens your hair and, as you might have guessed, makes it more susceptible to split ends.

While you don’t need to completely give up your hairstyling tools, try to reduce how often you use them.Β 

4. …Or Turn Your Heated Styling Tools Down to 180Β°

Ceramic Pink Straightener

Of course, heat styling is sometimes essential. Whether you have an important meeting at work or a special event to attend, it’s only natural to want your mane to look its best!

This is when it can be extremely useful to have a heated styling tool with an adjustable temperature dial. Serious damage only starts to occur once your hair is exposed to temperatures above 180Β°. If you can dial down your styling tools and style your hair at 180Β°, you’ll be saving your strands from so much unnecessary harm.

If your heated styling tools don’t allow you to adjust their temperature, it could be time for an upgrade, especially if you heat style regularly. The Nubi Soft N’ Straight 1.25” Ceramic Pink Styler would be a good choice as it offers a range between 180ΒΊ-450ΒΊF. It also uses infrared heat, which is gentler, plus negative ion technology, both of which will help to keep your locks looking smooth and healthy.

5. Use Leave-in Hair Products

A moisturizing conditioner is a great way to give your hair the hydration that it needs. However, if you’re already dealing with split ends, then this is a sign that your hair would benefit from some extra TLC.

This is where leave-in products come in. From leave-in conditioners to overnight hair masks, the way in which these products remain on the hair for longer periods of time will ensure that your strands feel fully protected from damage. They’ll also help to keep your hair feeling smooth and tangle-free, so you won’t have to risk more breakages each time you brush or comb your locks.

6. Embrace Your Natural Hair Color

Although dyeing your hair once in a while isn’t going to cause too much harm, the problems begin once hair dyeing becomes a regular part of your life. Any form of chemical processing, which includes hair dyeing, will slowly break down the protein structure in your strands, causing them to weaken. The chemicals in hair dyes also affect the cuticle layer of your hair, making split ends more likely.

Permanent hair dyes are the biggest culprit as they delve deep into the hair shaft. However, even wash-out dyes and natural henna dyes will gradually weaken your locks.Β 

If you want to say goodbye to the appearance of split ends, you’ll need to also say goodbye to your hair dyeing sessions, at least for now. Spend some time focusing on fortifying the feel of your strands until they’re strong enough to withstand another dye job.

7. Stop Using Elastic Bands

If you often tie your hair back with an elastic band, it’s time to change your habits. While elastic may be great for tightly gripping your hair and holding it in place, it’s also damaging your strands at the same time.Β 

How? Each time you wrap an elastic band around your hair, that band starts to cut into your strands. This causes hair to fray. If the ends of your hair happen to be wrapped up in elastic too due to the hairstyle you’ve chosen, such as a bun, it won’t be long before you’re left with a new load of split ends to deal with.

Fortunately, there are plenty of alternatives out there. From poly bands to scrunchies, any hair tie that is coated with a softer material would be a safer choice for your strands.

8. Sleep on Silk

woman sleeping

We’ve already mentioned how hair damage can quickly lead to split ends, and one item in your life that could be causing long-term damage to your locks is your pillowcase.Β 

Think about how often your strands rub against your pillowcase while you snooze each night. If your pillowcase is made from cotton or a similar material, then each time your hair rubs against it, friction will be caused. This roughs up hair cuticles, leading to split ends, frizz, and dryness. If your hair often seems surprisingly messy and unmanageable each morning, then this could be the cause!

To prevent this, swap your pillowcases for silk or satin versions. These materials won’t create friction when your hair rubs against them. Instead, your strands will easily glide over the fabric, meaning that you’ll wake up with hair that looks silky too.

9. Apply an Oil to Your Split Ends

One way to temporarily disguise the look of your split ends is to apply an oil to them. Not only will this give your hair some extra moisture and nutrients, but it will also conceal the appearance of damage and breakages to a certain extent.

Which oil should you use? There are several to choose from, but research points to coconut oil being the most beneficial. You’ll only need to use a very small amount of it. Don’t go overboard or your locks will look greasy!

10. Don’t Overbrush Your Locks

Ever heard of the myth that tells people to brush their hair 100 times a day? That’s right, it’s a myth, and a damaging one to boot.Β 

Your hair doesn’t actually need to be brushed this much. Doing so will eventually weaken it, resulting in more split ends.Β 

Instead, brush your hair until you’ve removed any tangles and neatened it up, without trying to reach a certain number of strokes. And, as always, be gentle when you do this to avoid breaking your strands.

11. Consider Taking Hair Supplements

There’s a fair amount of controversy surrounding hair supplements due to a lack of clinical studies confirming their efficacy. However, there’s no denying that the hair needs certain vitamins and minerals in order to remain strong and healthy. If you aren’t getting enough of these through your diet, then hair supplements could be worth considering.

Keep in mind that supplements on their own aren’t going to prevent split ends. However, they could leave your hair feeling stronger and less brittle, which will make split ends less likely.

12. Book Yourself in For a Trim

When it comes to getting rid of the split ends that you’re currently sporting, the only way to do so is by trimming them off. Ideally, try to do this as soon as possible. If you leave your split ends to linger, they’ll only work their way up your hair shaft, meaning that longer lengths of your hair will end up split too.

If you’re in the mood for a change, ask your hairstylist for a blunt cut. Unlike with feathery layers, the clean and even cut of a blunt style will help to keep new split ends at bay.


If you’ve noticed split ends appearing on your hair, it’s time to take charge and do something about them before they get any worse (and, trust us, they will!). Follow the 12 tips that we’ve shared above and you’ll soon start to notice your hair taking on a smoother, shinier, and healthier-looking finish.

Click here to explore more bestselling hair care and styling products from Nubi.

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